Requirements gathering
Following my research I discovered that the Asset Logic platform essentially enables their member to upload data, and then once uploaded it gives the ability to set up a flexible data structure so members can mirror their exact investment structures. Once the investment structure is setup, the platform then offers the ability to share specific parts of the data structure with users of their firm, or different counter-party users from other external firms. The platform also enables users to assign a responsible party to each field or set of fields, who becomes responsible for keeping them updated.
The platform architecture consisted of 15 different financial 'object' types including Funds, Private equity, Loans, Share classes. Each object type would contain multiple objects of that type, and when clicking into each object it would take the user into a details page which contained an extremely long page consisting of all the data for that object and with other linked object associated. The functionality of the platform was extremely powerful for members, but it was also extremely complex so it was my role to help re-design the user experience to assist in making things easier to use for the members.